Velogames Fantasy Cycling

Gregaria Game - Season Standings

Rank Team Directeur Gregarios Rarest
1Cycling for Cthulhu Mike E170%
2Skinny GalsFilip L170%
3velo FouzilhonAndrew Downie170%
4Couscous GrasdubideMarion Couscous170%
5Tilshead FlyersJason170%
6Vos Was I Thinking?The Lonely Goatherd170%
7YbmarmotsJustin S170%
8Norfolk n HopeNoel Barrow170%
9Jojo’s Circus Joanne Turner170%
10Team donfabio73Fabien DELEERSNYDER170%
11GloriosoCarlos Monteiro170%
12TUE QUEENSTonneke170%
13Misfits Paul Hesketh 170%
14Madeleine JJoanna In Virginia170%
15Millie, Tillie, and Mariannedarth ripken 170%
16Team Deep WatersMadam Barrett170%
17Team VelogamesGeorge Chapman170%
18Miscreants and Malcontents Gils Cyclone170%
19LunchtimeDave Barber170%
20Classico Classicagrr170%
21Canyon Sram SondaschuleTommy Spazierer170%
23Team GwarGWarrink170%
24Super sixesKat170%
25Crystal Crankers Pro CyclingNick Summerson170%
26Bastille the WinDom Perignon 170%
28GeoffBye`s Falcon59Edson Arantes do Ramone170%
30Lake Placid Femmes FlyersStephanie P170%
31Contador a CeroMiguel Angel170%
32The Girls The Boss170%
33Skyblue wheelersCHRIS VINCE170%
34Las PolitoxicómanasRH+170%
35Midnight EspressoA Curati170%
36Bitterlabour Bitterlabour170%
37Los CuervosThe Crow170%
38Bota Lume!fc_pintas170%
39Mansana The Boring SixMånsan170%
40Pays de GallesGeoff Harris170%
41Long term strategyBec170%
42Rampas Mostly HumanasPoulando170%
43Wilde Club WheelersBaz McHat170%
44Where the Strade have no TarmacPostigod170%
45Goughie`s GroupettoNeil Gough170%
46BJP Racing TeamBen Phippen170%
47CS Bro Morgannwg Mykal 170%
48Winner winner stroopwaffle dinnerMark Cable170%
49Spixworth SaddlesMatthew W170%
50The winning breakfast HighlandRozzler 170%
51King Pro CyclingH King170%
52Aveiro Girls Bike World TeamJoao M Oliveira170%
53Yoda Cycling TeamMarco Ramos170%
56FESTINA LENTE Ciccone de Médicis170%
57Nomadic PeddlersRenan Levine170%
58easy early birdsOliver170%
59Femmes Reign Victorious Jon Shepherd170%
60UllricharcalisTrauts Nosliw170%
61Draft DodgersAether170%
62Bwanaland Bwanaanderson 170%
63Half WheelersHank S. 170%
64De Vlammende Koplopers Christabelle 170%
65Namek CyclingPicolo170%
679 Chicken NuggetsMartine170%
68Mur de Huy she wrotenokraut170%
69Let`s Go, Ladies!Char170%
70Lady Knights Mike Fro 170%
71DebeliBreakawat wins?170%
72Classic BlunderElm170%
73Team NR9Al Downie170%
74Cozy CogsCozy Brown170%
75Slava Ukraini Big John 170%
76Vernal ValkyriesGamecook170%
77Bota LumePep Kelly170%
78Cadence QueensJackie H170%
79Life SizeGeorge170%
80Team OTLCharlie J170%
81Where`s Erik?Tally51170%
82Centanario cycling teamJanneto Bertrano170%
83To the MoonHeartLikeJohnStarks170%
84Hell on WheelsCian Donovan170%
85Chantelle’s Tyrone all stars XI. James Jack170%
87Mako SharksGareth 170%
89SD Workn`tThomas Mein 170%
90Can You Dygert?Will McAlpine 170%
91Broodje Kaas Grenadiers Kyle 170%
92Schlagbourg DonneBenzouz170%
93goldmädelsnixprimozgoldic 170%
94Faustino Cartwheels JT47 170%
95The FredettesDr. Mandible 170%
96Utterly DopelessClampy 170%
97Bamboo on the MoonBaron Pierre Von Bicycle170%
98Starlynk TroopersStarlynk170%
99Porta da RavessaMaria Barradas170%
100Nuisance Valuemarkrprior170%
101Eddies Eagles 888Neil Edwards170%
102Muther Truckerstricasey170%
103Rode Vallende SterLouise Moulinette170%
105Kingdom of Talossa Cycling TeamGlüc170%
108Win some lose someLennox170%
109Van Empel`s New GrooveSteve P170%
110Verwood FlyersRedpete 170%
111Team QAFLTimo170%
113Radical Stanley`sVeloWitch170%
114TugalhadaPedro Martinho170%
115Husarenritt GmbHDeaflon170%
118Diósd RacingKevin V170%
121Ministry of MagicKingsley Shacklebolt 170%
122Wight WashedSean170%
123PulkaTeam Pulka170%
124Beluga BoysGwilym Evans170%
125LieSD Star ForceVoer Saydos170%
126FU TNTSportsSergina Bakov170%
127Rudys Rasselbande Rudy Rassel170%
128TBD_version 2Joseph Gerth170%
129Vicente Luis 170%
131Castro teamFrancisco Castro170%
132Cozzy JayJayelle170%
133MercadaniDani Uno10%
134Eccles Street EaglesPoldy Bloom170%
135Low MileageTodd Hamina170%
140Velokeller a. Rhf.Lavena170%
141Wild Hunt FemmeLeartes170%
142Julie Alan PhilippeAndrew Charles170%
143Lanterne BougieDS170%
145Busbridge BikersCharlie Boy00%
146Where`s Lucinda?Jenny 00%
147Tactics? What tactics?Isaac00%
148Landa desayunando huevos rotos TeamHugo Barreiros00%
149Green PantsDizzy Jo00%
150Stage Nine WoesAwakenTheBacon00%
151Jarrovians RUFCNeil Metcalfe00%
152Team ZG ClassicsMtnMike 00%
153Freddy`s FumblersManfred Mohren00%
154Hornets Knees Andrew Marsden-Jones00%
155Team BlodSplash00%
156Fife DynamoJames Squires00%
157Lizzie`s Ladieslzbdd00%
158Classix VieillesAdam00%
159BigMat Factor 67Billax00%
160Havin` Bad IdeasAlexander Adzhev00%
161TeamCaitCaitZ 00%
162Ponytail expressGordon00%
163Merckxmen Brian Cartoscelli 00%
165Los KrcosCocoBryce00%
166Femme FatalesAlfie00%
167Black Swansdch199000%
168Downtube Shifters MarcoVelos00%
170Sun Tzu - Art of Pastryoli00%
171Venga VelosSpanner in the Spokes00%
172Asthma Lisa BikePoppel van Pimpel00%
174Lios AlexAlex00%
175Jižní vítrTomáš00%
176Team Jumbo SausageAndrew Mohan00%
177Team Duck Billed Platypus (Donne)The Zoo Keeper00%
178Flattermaus Vrouwen TeamFlattermaus00%
179YETIMANJames Rockford00%
181Bergbokkies Riaan00%
182Danger CKDirecteur Danger00%
183Nif-Nif on a bikeNicolas H00%
184Rouge BanqueLach and Morty00%
185PanzerknackerSam Bankman-Fraud00%
186Las CosmetesStephen00%
187Maantien naisetTommisal00%
188Roadrash Dano00%
189CowboysXX down with the TrumpettesAnders Van Andermaet00%
190The SpokesWomenMartin Sear00%
191The RafalutionNiall McManus00%
192Donna Franca`sFranca Giudicevecchia 00%
193Circus MonkeysBWallis00%
194Lasterketa BuruaLiam Brannon00%
195The TrickiesPete Weston00%
196Swa`s Elite SquadraM.V.00%
197Zebra Shoulder Padsfld00%
198faulty Towersneillt00%
200We will cobble you upRuby00%
201La Vache qui ritFifi00%
202Jez`s 6Jez Leigh00%
204Silly CasasolaGethin00%