Velogames Fantasy Cycling

Medal Race - Game Round

Team Directeur Gold Silver Bronze Total
1No Name TeamBas Mol7810
2cGAS poweredPilou7810
3Contador a ceroMiguel Angel7630
4Low MileageTodd Hamina7630
5Hagar`s HarriersHagar Orocks7630
6RSC HorhusenMatthias7620
7Hubris and Greed NationMr. Patate O’Head7620
8Wolfpack001Frans Daemen7610
9Team Tekerj GyorsabbanMiklosT7610
10Lake CyclersRick M7610
11Off the Back Jim Wright7610
13Cycledogs Bob Somerville7610
14Cadence KingsJackie H7610
16Nora-HandsgrownBoo Merinque7610
18PapitagemAnselmo Tadeu6830
19Chicken LegsBrett6820
20Putting some prawns on da barbie, mateGamecook6820
21Team OTLCJ6820
22TUE KingsTonneke6820
23Aveda Sonos GT6820
25Dirty ChainB MANTZEY6820
27Solo la vittoria e BellaFloran Tanplan6820
28Team Meme MachineGeneral Alooon6820
29Plapp me in the CockquadDarren McFadden6820
30X Merckx the Spotslcbob6820
31Quinn Simmons, medicine womandarth ripken 6820
32Team FrogLisette Coquette 6820
33DonFabio73Fabien DELEERSNYDER6630
34King Küng Restrained with ChainsTom Foulds6630
35Draft DodgersAether6630
36GROUPAMOAL FDPIf I speak I am in big trouble6620
37Roaming By DayNigel K6620
38Ow DoPatrick Blake6620
39Etoile Filante RougeLouis Moulin6620
40High Aptitude Whit6620
42Goughie’s GroupettoNeil Gough6620
43The Velo-CiraptorsMr.Red6620
44I IngegneriFabbio Di Ninno6620
45BigMat Ober 67Billax6620
46Norfolk n HopeNoel Barrow6620
47Ultimate Block SquadBlockdude 6620
49Rolf er RenMartin6620
50The Lancashire HotpotsCiaran Rowett6620
51Hesket crossers Gordon6620
52My Riders are Cursed!Trena Parks6620
53Extreme Performance Organization (EPO)William Michaud6620
54The Search for Joan Josep`s SisterIsaac6620
55Links Rechts John Wilson 6620
56Rouge BanqueLach and Morty 6620
58Waseberg WanderersPintomae6620
59I AM DAMO SUZUKIMark Taylor6620
60Here comes the sun?Patrick G6620
62Rims N HelmetsIvan Lawrence 6530
63Bonzer CavalierGuy Caballero6510
64Team Backwards AttaqueMichael Parcheggio Jackson6510
65Poulidor Racing 87Neshmanich6330
66Hematocrito 60Celso6330
67Punctos somos punctosRick van Lohuizen6330
68The iffiesIan Fisher6330
69Late Night RidersMartine6310
70YbmarmotsJustin S6310
71Light The CandleMatt Gardner5840
72Let it goFabienC5830
73Make Love not WarMetta World Peace5830
74Ripon City Magnets Ripon City Ken 5830
75Eddies Eagles XLNeil Edwards5830
76Gora Gora GoraHaimarX5830
77Faustino Cartwheels JT47 5830
78Skippy le grand gourouLes Marsupiaux5830
79Les héros du samediJonathan Personne5820
80Don’t be a HayterRusty Beall5820
81Van Rysel team Paparaf5820
82Giro Up OverMiguel Pratas5820
83Team GAAOJulienB5810
84Peixe CyclingJoao Peixoto5810
85Where`s Me Stabilisers?David Blake5810
86Work in ProgressDan5810
87Where`s ErikTally515810
88Guus ter Doest GTD United 5810
89Brown ShortsAdam Neilson5810
90Velo Club LazyChris 5810
91The Crane Cycling BarDuurt Dijkman5810
93Magicreme Francois Dumarest5810
94Wheelie MammothShamus the Cat5810
95Leg day SkippersshaGGy5810
96with Godon our sideneillt5810
98Roo Dodger Cowboys Anders Van Andermaet5810
101Raul75 MúvisztárokRaul755810
102CapTeam_2023Vincenzo 5810
103Bergbokke Riaan 5810
104Brooklyn Down UnderMartin S5810
105Ewan går och Hayter åker radiobilLaszlo K5810
107Team PantaniTim M5810
108Larbarks LadsSimon P5640
109Yellow JerseyRuba5630
110Pinots tårerRasmus5630
111EK SpinnersNeil Thomas5630
112BranchesBranch Cycler5630
113Turbo ZedMarcus Tobias5630
114Woutless Wobbling WombatsThe Lonely Goatherd5630
115Texas TournadosTeodoro Roberto5630
116Gloriosocpmonteiro 5630
117Lake Placid FlyersStephanie P5630
118BttCotasPaulo Jorge 5630
119Gavia ‘88Giuseppe Saronni5630
120Losers down underPhilou Thefièvre5630
122Swiss ExpressRiqqo5630
123We Reign Victorious Jon Shepherd5630
124I Miss Team SkyJean Baptiste5630
126LetstalkcyclingHofman, Ghislain5630
127Jerome GambitUmhms5620
128Team VelonetoJoao Neto5620
129the bountycanam735620
131Pickle SmoochersIgor5620
132UllricharcalisTrauts Nosliw5610
133Los PolitoxicómanosRH+5610
134Carro VassouraValerio Cabrito5610
135UnderachieversMathew Edmonds5610
136Midnight EspressoA Curati5610
137Lantern RougeAndrew Paton-Crockett5610
138Roadrash Dano5610
139Big JessiesFabrice Agneau5610
141Beatniks 2023Jon5610
142Forever YoungRien Heutink5610
143The 501stRick5610
144Team TubbyOld and Slow5610
145Euro DiscountConstantin Barnabé5610
146PanzerknackerSam Bankman-Fraud5610
147SuperChowBob Minchow5610
148Space Possums from Planet XSlim5610
149The FredsDr. Mandible5610
150Half WheelersHank Sender5610
151Cocoteam Pluvier5610
152velo FouzilhonAndy Downie5610
153Fan de Kylie MinogueBonnie Taille l`Eure5610
155Flat TiredBelgian Beer Bum5610
156Toytown Athletic Dave Barber5610
157Spokey DokesSpanner in the Spokes5610
159Felix`s ElitesFelix Dennison5610
160NR9Al Downie5610
161Nomadic PeddlersRenan Levine5610
162ERES 2023Eres5610
163Grass is always greener dutchmeddle 5610
164Invent & SimplifyGK5610
166Neun Kreiser der HöllePeter $atan5610
167BallersMea Gain5610
168Blazing SaddlesCraig Allen5610
169Alpe d`CeuninckKop van Westrijd5610
170Team TasmaniaMichael McQuillen5610
171FSPunk VeloracingFrederick Punk5610
172Men That Shirkd0m5540
174The winning breakfast HighlandRozzler 5520
175FlatlandersJohn Newman5520
176Nessuna CattenaBruno Ricci5520
177GearGrindin`J. Thom5520
178Down JonesMon5520
179vegemite powered health Dumbo Visma 5520
180Koppenberg Djamolidine 5520
181Under ground over ground Wombling free. Jon Hartley 5520
182Twits OotFran Gruntleburger5510
183Los CosmetesStephen5500
184TeamCaitCaitZ 5500
186Kir CyclingKir5340
187100% AircooledRuss5340
188One Man GrupettoJoe5340
189Wombats Fatso5340
190James Knox Fan Club!Gethin5320
191Downtube Shifters MarcoVelos5320
192The Mimas TurboRobert De Plaza5320
193Varese CapitaleFederico De Maddalena5320
194Nuisance Valuemarkrprior5320
195Pasteleiras TeamMario Martins5320
196Notchy Bottom BracketsWendy5320
197Eeh by GumThe Gaffer5310
198Oman this is gonna HirtMuscat Mary5310
199Wheely Good TeamChris5300
200Gimme a bullet Princess Karla Young5300
20111 years agoBec5300
202Six of One Half a Dozen of the OtherTim in KY5300
203Mountain Goat CCMarsdj5300
205PlusSurLeWebGuillaume 4530
206Yoda Cycling TeamMarco Ramos4530
207Nif-Nif on a bikeNicolas H4530
208Dustin’ off the CobwebsMtnMike4530
209Derrière du PelotonE Cannon4530
211UpsidedownTourPedro Martinho4530
212Stage Nine WoesAwakenTheBacon4530
213Wombats der StraßeFlattermaus4530
214Wallaroo Heritage and Nautical MuseumStevo4530
215Rider on the SandBennyB4530
216Thunda from Down UndaAllison Chauvin4530
217BMRTBike Malik4530
218Dão WinesFrancisco Reis4530
219Dirty Beach GauntletBob Loblaw4530
220SL BenficaEmanuel Correia4510
221NaardetopJeroen van Eig4510
222Des mollets et des idéesLe Druide des Batignolles4510
223Winter is comingXavi4510
224Los CuervosThe Crow4510
225Jayco AjujaTommy Radler 4510
228Vini ZabuZabu4510
229GoldjungsPrimoz Goldic4510
230Beaune DryMonte Mast4510
232Kim Jung EwanSIR Z MONEY4510
233Webbly WheelsJohn Webb4510
234Ameritron Batteries-KrestoZach4510
235suɐʇı⊥ ןןıH ǝןı⊥Mark Perryman4510
236wood respecterstront4510
237Bras CassésGregarione4510
238Coalition Of ChaosMatt4370
240Men at WorkRoadrash Rob4340
241Lios AlexAlex4330
242BORING hansgolemJan4330
244Mansana Eminent Nine QuartetMånsan4330
245ACCAde Thomas4330
247Under AchieversAdam Scott4330
250Team SoetemelkGerben Soet 4330
252Negative Ghost RiderPete Mitchell4330
253Allez allez Intermarché Beanie_G4330
254Panic AguaDT4330
255Team TrompettesPaul Leloup 4330
256Bastille The WinBastille The Win4330
257Its Australia in`tittrudgin4330
258Black Swansdch19904330
259Lizzie`s LadsLzbdd4330
260Disco Koalas Kang Aru4330
261Jez`s 9Jez Leigh4330
262Albi Cycling TeamCarlos Eduardo4330
263Straya`s Strava StrongmenDe Mossel Van Brossel4330
264Tour Down Under TeamAmberjack4330
265Cycling for Cthulhu Mike E4330
266Team IvoIvo0014330
267CochonooFrancisco Gomez4330
268Average Remco EnjoyersKjell4330
269The Upside Down SyndromeBontus4330
270Le tour du pinJeremad4320
272Bonification Cliff T 4320
273La giclette dans la peauJason Melbourne4320
274SplitskinsMik de Elvenien4320
275Sports Players Sporty Sportsington 4310
277No Willunga?!Will Unga4310
278The Quiet LegsIda Amin4310
279Team VelogamesGeorge Chapman4310
280ValiantsPeter Oz4310
281TdU bobscurlywigg4310
282Team Biloute CyclingBiloute 4310
283Scheveningen altitude campKyle 4310
284The NadirJonas4310
285Holden V8Verner Møller4310
286Bamboo on the MoonBaron Pierre Von Bicycle4310
287Dancing on the PedalsMark Viduka4310
288The FredsAxel4310
289GromartinGrodirecteur 3560
292Schaufeln zu Flughafenphlsner3540
293Brigade Zwen BierhoffPeter Larsson3540
294Bibbydy BobbydyOntario Vancouverson3540
295Santini TeamPaiNatalao3540
297Sun Tzu - Art of Pastryoli3540
298Cross Cut ShreddersDizzy Jo3540
299Bota Lume!fc_pintas3540
300The First Frite BoiBurro3530
301West Green WheelersMark Chettle3530
302Venga BoysEoghan3520
303No Willunga No Carekevinrays3520
304easy early birdsOliver3520
305Team BikeSlekchangeTokke Down Under3520
306Team LaminasBruno Mendonça3520
307ClogsThaddeus Cloggard3520
308The RafalutionNiall McManus3520
309Mako SharksGareth3520
310The PelotonianAndy3520
311Any Porte in a StormJames Squires3520
312SLB VeloLuis Gomes3520
314Les chaudieresBoy3520
315Chupa RodasDaniel Monteiro3520
316LarkinQuickStep Shane Larkin3520
317Leadout TigerGeorge3520
318Hammer Downpakmanruns3520
319Froome WagonStephen Tunstall3520
320Boonen's Bronzed Legs Capella161 3520
322Big RingersD Rex3520
323Smegma unitedDesQuickito3520
324Le KangourouCiccone3500
325Capital CurtinJosh M3500
327AlapinotSuker57 3500
328Kelmestás contandoKing Remco3500
329Ramsay Street RacersDad3500
330Off the BackTom Deacon-Harry3500
331The Rangers Walker 3500
332Ciclistas de PelucheRachistus3500
333FoculPortoVitor Ribeiro3350
334Call that a knife?Croc Dundee3340
335Men at WorkAnne de Ruyter3340
336Freedom RidersGonca3340
337Come Down UnderJRat3340
338Straight to the Pool RoomWill McAlpine3340
339De SpringverenHenkjan3340
340The Big HilliesBig Willy3340
341Muther Truckerstricasey3340
343Pagelsdaum WallabysFranky Pagelsdaum3340
346Sprint Deviation PoliceSean Flynn3340
347Cusquena-Chipilo de Yuca-HakarlCount Montepulciano3340
348Dave`s CycleHutAlastair Worsley3340
349back againkylerob073340
350Zone41.ClubRicardo Bernardo3340
351rabbit of caerbannogJim3340
352BE BraveGrammy3330
353Hornets Knees Andrew Marsden-Jones 3330
354Jižní vítrTomáš3330
355Hell on WheelsCian Donovan3320
356Tourmalet JJoanna in Virginia3320
358Rocko`s GangRocko3320
359Team BlodSplash3320
360Gina’s WheelsJames Daly3320
361An Early StartElm3320
362Neves TeamTiago Neves3320
363Skudehavnen CCMoxRacing3320
364Tour Down UåretsÅrets3320
365Team White RoadMadam Blanc3320
366The Oven is On!Alan B 3320
367SauceBig G3320
368The yellow catGatta Gialla3320
369Flaming AlbondigasChristabelle3320
370Oh ManJim Lehman3320
371Vegemighty RidersJK3320
372VC ClampionsClampy3320
375Jojo’s Circus Joanne Turner3320
376Backstedt to December Clara3320
379HighlandersDouglas Crawford3320
381Two Bobs WorthDaveTwoBob3320
382ChasersSimon Boswell3320
385Beacons - Pride of DunelandThrocky3320
386Sexual WheelingTerry V. Bullen3300
387Misfits Paul Hesketh 3300
388Who can take the heat?Postigod3300
389Mata A MorteJorge Solano3300
392Swabian RocketsSteffi van Au3300
393Danger CKDirecteur Danger 3300
394The RouleursDean Jacobs3300
396Snake BiteMarshall of Rutland3300
397QuiddlingMission Man3300
398The Traitorschocdrop3300
399Pass the PorteThe Lord Stevio3300
400Rusty ChainsRus3300
401Domino`s Pizza-Provimi VealEbessan3300
403Super Gattieres CCIan Broon 3300
404Seoul Soju Warriorsalan macdougall3300
405Temple Road CC Debbie G3300
406The LongmoversJo`el3300
407CS Bro MorgannwgMykal3040
408Vicarious Velo VLen Venturini3030
409Hill CrushersArt Weirich3030
410Cycling Sharks 2023Charltonhater3030
411Total Cr@p ShootRCG3010
412CJ CyclingChino2540
415Team Flixbus August 2530
416Chauffe MarcelJulien "Pierrot" Lecoq2530
417Tour Down Kangaroo UnderwearLleyton Heslip2530
418Galifão GangAdam S2530
419Ride bikes throw bricksamelon2530
422Bananarama FDJMarc Madidiot 2530
423E-Kippe GitanesStony Martin2530
424Blue Suede Cycling ShoesLizzie2520
425GS Wizards of WareThe Wizard2510
426Koko KoalasSnowbell Snow2510
427Glúteos Cintilantes Pedro Falardo2510
428Barry Island MOTMJenny 2510
429Vamos a la playaAndrew2510
430Smile Power QazaqstanMike Bell2510
431Pete’s teamPeteg2510
432Landa desayunando huevos rotos TeamHugo Barreiros2340
433Clancy’s Quick StopIratebeagle2330
434SoLa NoDo - CascadiaPhillip LaBerge2330
435eurökatpöstkarpetbänkil suore pigre2330
436Don Franco`sFranco Guidicevecchio2330
437Aveiro Bike World TeamJoao Manuel Oliveira2330
438LagersRick Allen2330
439Taeves Diamantpozzo 2330
442Superclassicfragilisticescapealidocious Kat2320
443The Peoples Republic of LeithSean Allan2320
444slightly different rhys2320
445Here we go.John Neeve2310
446Wilde Club WheelersBaz McHat2310
447Freddy`s FumblersManfred Mohren2310
449Namek CyclingPicolo2310
451Peppa`s CrewKate 2310
452Kelly`s hero`s Karl L2310
453Leaper`s CreepersRichard Leaper2310
454One with the RoadRobin Weir2310
455Surulere BoysFatai2310
456Bluemen Smurf639 2310
457`tis the Deignan seasonClara2310
458Velovoid Mick2310
459DaneScotMike George2310
460Blimey, made it to another yearMedicated Simon 2310
4618 Antipodeans and the wrong HayterIsaac2210
462Yellow PerilsYvo2010
463The DidgerydoosAlfie2000
464Pays de GallesGeoff Harris2000
466Soul RidersSoulmaster1240
468YETIMANPeter Corfeld1230
469A Lesadout is umop/downMufcfaan1230
471Stuk pukSzymon1210
473Classics KingsMark Davies1030
474Team QAFBTimo1030
475Wonky Wheel A Puncture 1030
476Pedal MilitiaKB1020
477Men at Workdeejayemm0220
479Groupama ACABleon_frbg0040
480House of MadnessVitus0020
481San Juan’s Yer ManMichael Porter0020
482Pogge to Nicerainbowia0020
483WHEELSUCKASTARJeff Buddington0010
484Team MBMarianna0000
485Bear Flag SchoonersSubvelo 0000
487Husarenritt GmbH deaflon0000
488Tinny TeamAnders0000
489Wilunga Wallabys Mike 0000
490Iwata Ride My BicycleSaMule0000
491ShouldacouldawouldaThe Welsh Terrier0000
492Down Under TeamDon0000
493Tilshead FlyersJason0000
495¿Por qué?Ian B0000
496Team TrealsGilbert Tramp0000
499Rusty RoyalsRusty Royle0000
501Fast DownhillersRocky0000
502Breakaway Dev TeamBreakaway Dev Team0000
503Tirreno RollersDavid O`Meara0000
504Turned out NiceIain Craik0000
505Vicious Cycles ReturnJillyEm0000
507The TrickiesPeter Weston0000
509HorCat 1HorCat0000
510Consonant please, Carol. Topo Thomas0000
511Roglic in the matrixSteve Pugh0000
512Crawcrook CCThe Chef0000
513Greenadiers Greenbean0000
514Garrabost TCRDonald Lamont0000
515Sofa CyclerTakeItFromMe0000
516Pepper grinders Newmo0000
518Ministry of MagicKingsley Shacklebolt0000
519Tyrone all stars XIJ.J 0000
521Team TournesolMonsieur Smoocher0000
522Wootton’s WinnersEmma Wootton 0000
523Dr Ferrari`s Orange JuiceLW0000
524WATT? Vaag0000
525Team Lance ArmstrongJohan Bruyneel0000
526Squadra OstreaAndy Woolmer0000
527Whiskered WheelersKat J0000
528Rite of SpringDavid Dingle0000
530Team Aerobullet p/b Stormtrooper HelmetsThomas Mein0000
531Italian StallionsSean Williams0000
532Hot Much?Ground Hog0000
533Fremunda CheeseStephen Clarke0000
534CyclitillaEl Rados0000
537Make NamMistakeAboutIt!Johnny Van de Nam0000
538Mailand CallingIl Svizzero 0000
539My TeamChris Oldfield0000
540Tira! Tira! Tira!Will0000
541Peloton HopefulsGordon the Gopher0000
542Queen`s Head Bangers Elderado 0000
543WvA Racing TeamWoutvanArt0000
544Jarrovians RUFCNeil Metcalfe0000
546wheely good widersAndrew 0000
547This is Barta!Michael0000
548Electric BluePaul L0000
549Cobble ClubRosie Aitch0000
550Isola NuvolaAmy0000
551Franks MaraudersFrank Nelemans0000
552Academia SaloiaNelson Cunha0000
553Team Velo-CityPrimoz Roblic0000
554The Loonies on the TrikesFuzzy0000
555Mortirolo Mountain GoatsFalk0000
556LatriJ. Corral0000
557Mad Dog PedersenVictor Pålsson0000
559ShockersDirty Dr0000
560Humongous BuntingCorinne0000
561Team Eazy onVanhaahr0000
562Pixley ProtonsPippa Pixley0000
563Berko TandemersAndy & Becky0000
564Zero ResearchLiz Hassall0000
565Mallorca Winter Velo CampJan Ulrich0000
566Geoff’s Jumbo IneosJacques Pedalfast0000
567Daniël Cycling Team Daniel0000
568Snowfreds happy ridersSnowfred0000
569Finbarkea SamsicFinbar Aherne0000
570All the gear…DRD0000
571Scrambled Legsauberdjinn0000
572Del`s DelgadoesDylan Evans0000
573Vai, Vai, VaiCarolina 0000
574Rowdy ReptilesSam Oht0000
575Dolomiti BlushDan0000
576Lads Lads LadsMatt B0000
577Funny Team NameEl Diablo0000
578The GrupettoDave From Penrith0000
579Trained TeamTrainer0000
580Mario Luigi SpaghettiAllan MacDonald0000
583Città a GrigliaSam S0000
584Vongole Veraci Pro Cycling Janigiano Reggiano 0000
585Kylian Mbappé`s BreakawayGarbhán0000
586Thundering Pedals by VelocityTechMikeska0000
587Toby’s Mysterious NineToby Rode0000
588Flash Drake RacingFlash Drake 0000
589Beluga BoysBeluga Evans0000
590BearzBearzJason Gardner0000
591Tempo per la tortaTim0000
592Nique DeschampsNick Deschamps0000
593Giro Rubbish ??‍♂️?Paul Taylor0000
594Olympiholic Cycling TeamSteve Robie0000
595UK Royal Mail ServiceDave Anderson0000
596Pedaling SquaresDirecteur Justin0000
599Floating Anarchistszebthecat0000
600Oakland RidersMike Dobson0000
601Pimpanti Corridorimaclosky0000
602Goin' Cort-in'Mum0000
603Pedalin` EthelsWhangdoodle0000
604Where`s Me Stabilisers?Ali Batty0000
605Shoes with Healy’sAndy Graham0000
606Cav’s Tour Warm UpLucinda0000
607Golden Lions Eating PastaQueen 0000
608Pampers-UberEATS Pro TeamGhosted0000
610Azzurro CyclingDoy0000
612Wegmans Cartful pb Viand CafeWout0000
613Togs and CogsA-Togs0000
614Boring Hans GroheGiroy Bianco 0000
615DerekGeeOverTheTopTanche Daddy0000
616Team AlbertAlbert van Hausen0000
617Curse Purge PlusDave Pinelli0000
618JBCCJohn B 0000
619I`ll never be CortChaz0000
620LR_SpakenBrekersLieven Raats0000
621Estrella BianchiEB0000
622Sagan These NutsMy Man, Victor Campanaerts0000
623Mercatone JumboOlli0000
624Thirty Degrees Each WayClarissa0000
625TIR Hamburgbikeaddict0000
626Dallas Mavericks Cycling SectionMark Cuban0000
628Penne Puncheurs CCPhil W0000
629Heavens ElevenPaulo Barnesi0000
630Top HeavyMatt just Caught Nielsen`s Custard0000
631Va Va FroomeJCoots0000
634Tropical STI AwarenessCosmo Kramer0000
635VitalienbrüderRadpirat 0000
636Southern Hemisphere of the PackSFinAus0000
638This is the WAYJP0000
639Fillippo Di Rosa V3PhilC0000
640Veloz y Pedola chilindrina0000
641Fendrien CCJames Warrener0000
642D.F. CACAITOEusebio Unzue0000
643Raiders of the Passo PordoiCoppi II0000
644Team PieClaire0000
646Turboton dieselZaari0000
647Dynamo MorporkHanne Garlick 0000
648Below ExpectationsMika0000
649Marmite TarmacadamJon0000
6501MDBJo Low0000
651McDonald`s AkbarNick Ablitt0000
652Poirot`s pedalleurs Felicity Lemon 0000
653Week one hero Scott Morris0000
654Cicli Dello Squadrone AvvoltoioUno Emery0000
655Saga Holidays - Premier TechGerman Nicolas0000
656Teh Rampant CyclistsCycloning Chris0000
658St Petroc Johan DeGroene0000
659Tommy’s Gurners Tommy Sellars0000
660Gino`s Brosclista_vekio0000
661Fairfield FlyersAurelien Windenberger0000
662Coronation WheelersAndrew Walker0000
663G and TBonzo0000
664Team CaramacGinestre 0000
665Malbec TigersCarlos 0000
666Pretty in pink Davide0000
667GIF Svanessons Thomas G Hyrén0000
668A LEADOUT Aleadout.com0000
669Rednecks VadkovDarek 0000
670God is aliveDr Mabuse0000
671ErvanoReinier van Olderen0000
672Rothar gan clogJohnB0000
673Reynolds 531Chris R0000
674Peeper SqueakersPeeper Keeper0000
676Wishful ThinkingMonsieur Allison0000
677Team ParadoxGreg Schisla0000
678Dee & the RailleursTom Masini0000
679Clun City ChaingangGary Price-Hunt 0000
680Las minute warriorsHerr0000
681110 ParcentTrickodinho0000
682Birds on bikesPrettybird 0000
683Sigurd`s Sofa Cycles 12.5Ivan Tuboogy0000
684Eleven to tenMeefburger0000
685Keep up at the back!Tomotto0000
686Rudys Rasselbande Rudy Project0000
687Pasta mushAlex0000
688B$B DdLMike0000
689RodillonesUriel 0000
690GeboreneSpurterAnton J.0000
691Dumbo SchismBurrito van der Poorn0000
692Facciamo un GiroAndare Bici0000
693Team Sympathy ItalySeb19770000
695RabsThe Ton0000
696Lance4PrezVincent Vega0000
697Je rêve du podiumElaine0000
698Soaring SprocketsMark Derrick0000
699Union Cycliste Interplanetaireepi0000
700Jan Mak Pro CyclingJan Mak0000
701Red rockets Drunksagan0000
702Hot Wheels FranceBugs0000
703Furiously Pedalling BackwardsDilan0000
704HipstersBossy McBossface0000
705Team GWarGWarrink0000
706Licky Lily LoverxssssssssssssdkkkkkkkkkkGuyrilla Monsoon0000
707Team Haugli Qhubeka Geir Martinsønn Haugli0000
708SBA CyclingNOCO CPA0000
709Renaissance HooliganPeter Post0000
710SKGiro 23SuzanneK0000
711Flandrien PlusChristophe Labont0000
712Hitchhiker CoastersYour Grace0000
713Musical Green GoatHree0000
714Zuri TeamUira0000
715Chafing & StrafingWipley Yerch0000
717Calados Santa ClaraEpaminondas Tuta0000
719Team Blind Squirreldbsaia0000
720Barnfield VictoriousWout Van Stu0000
721Bora BarnfieldClare Van Poppel0000
722The Little Lamb BoysConti Continental0000
723Nomi HillsHills3rd0000
725olajepeÁrpád Szilágyi 0000
727S. Brás teamAlvaro Castro0000
728Iban Mayo Fan ClubLoulou Mikal0000
729Rijsel ChpiritGus Van Gus0000